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LECO study trip German energy transition:

Video by: Silva Herrmann, Jokkmokk municipality

Workshops and partner meetings:

LECo workshop in Lohtaja, Finland 13/12/2017

Partner meeting in Luleå, Sweden 15/2/2018

Jokkmokk workshops:

Jokkmokk organised community workshops in both Jokkmokk and Gällivare:

Events organized by Jokkmokk Municipality:

LECO study visit solar energy, Jokkmokk, Sweden, 19 september 2018

Jokkmokk municipality arranged a solar energy capacity building event in Jokkmokk on 19th of September 2018. 20 people gathered to visit a 11 kW solar energy plant in central Jokkmokk. Jokkmokk’s LECO team presented the project which is funded by the NPA programme with partners in Ireland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The goal is to combine new innovative technologies with locally available natural resources, and to raise awareness of energy efficiency and identify possibilities to use renewable energy.

The owner of the plant explained how they came to the decision to build the plant and how they did. The solar panels are polycrystalline which are less efficient but often a lot cheaper. The Swedish funding system rewards a high use of the produced electricity in the own building. In this case, electricity is used by a restaurant in the building and to tank electric cars. The surpluss feeds in into the net and sold to the electricity company Vattenfall. 

LECO community event, Purkijaur, Sweden, 9th of September 2018

Purkijaur is a village within Jokkmokk municipality, and will be one of the pilot communities for the LECO project. At the community event, Jokkmokk’s LECO team presented the project which is funded by the NPA programme with partners in Ireland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The goal is to combine new innovative technologies with locally available natural resources, and to raise awareness of energy efficiency and identify possibilities to use renewable energy.

The participants in the meeting confirmed their interest and soon discussion focused on possibilities for both improving the energy performance of buildings and on producing electricity with solar energy. Solar energy has a huge potential even in Northern Sweden, despite long dark nights in the winter, but is not yet broadly used. One interesting object in Purkijuar is the Purkijaur garden which is owned by the community.

Image: Britt Svanström. Purkijaur, one engaged member of the community

LECO community event, Hakkas, Sweden, 26th of September 2018

Hakkas is a village within Gällivare municipality, and will be one of the pilot communities for the LECO project. At the community event, Jokkmokk’s LECO team presented the project which is funded by the NPA programme with partners in Ireland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The goal is to combine new innovative technologies with locally available natural resources, and to raise awareness of energy efficiency and identify possibilities to use renewable energy.
Hakkas community is close to the mining town Gällivare, where it is difficult to get housing. There is a high interest in living in the lovely village Hakkas, however, even here more proper houses are needed. Moreover, it is important to ensure a good infrastructure. This is what the community now is intensively working with. One part of the work would be to increase energy efficiency in community buildings and to build a small district heating system on wood chips. The LECO team and the community members started by discussing chances and challenges and by mapping the energy demand for several buildings with the Hakkas bygdegård and the Hakkas school in the centre.

Image: Hakkas community building

LECO community event, Korpilompolo, Sweden, 27th of September 2018

Korpilompolo is a village within Pajala municipality, and will be one of the pilot communities for the LECO project. At the community event, Jokkmokk’s LECO team presented the project which is funded by the NPA programme with partners in Ireland, Finland, Sweden and Norway. The goal is to combine new innovative technologies with locally available natural resources, and to raise awareness of energy efficiency and identify possibilities to use renewable energy. The participants in the meeting confirmed their interest and soon discussion focused on possibilities for both improving the energy performance of buildings and on producing electricity with solar energy. Both solar heating and electricity have been discussed. Solar energy has a huge potential even in Northern Sweden, despite long dark nights in the winter, but is not yet broadly used. One interesting object in Korpilompolo is the Kulturhuset, which includes a restaurant and meeting rooms, which are used a lot.

Image: Linnea och Märthe Nylund who runs the Kulturhuset i Krpilompolo